Support for Retailers


Lovejoy United provides high integrity service, enhanced by world-class supply-chain management expertise. We help you get the product you need when you need it and work with our brewery clients to ensure just-in-time availability with the highest quality control and accountability.

Your customers deserve fresh, local, and a varied product line. We can do that because our brewers are your neighbours; right up the street from you, there's a great brewery. And we'll provide you the story of how and why you're serving excellent, local, Portland brews.

Additional Options

We have relationships with multiple suppliers to save you time and energy. From a display board (Digital Pour), to dropping off fresh fruit, we are a full-service distribution company. 

Our aim is to be clear about the supplies we have and to be a turnkey solution for you, the busy bar- or restaurant owner. We get it. You have a million things on your plate, and running out of bitters is the last thing you need.